I would like you to know me better through the story of my own healing, and how I came to believe in the power of personal transformation.
Over a decade ago, I fell into a deep personal crisis, after years of struggling to overcome depression and to balance a difficult relationship. When my marriage ended, I experienced a massive loss of faith in humanity, in myself, and in the joy of life itself. I became disillusioned about everything I knew about how to be in the world, and about much of what I had been taught as life lessons and choices. By looking for answers outside of myself, I didn’t find the peace and direction I urgently needed to start healing and enjoying my life again.
During this time of darkness, I met an enlightened human being at the gym, who noticed my despair, and felt compassion for me. I probably looked very unhappy to him, and he stopped to talk to me about it. He suggested I start reading Caroline Myss. For those of you who don’t know who she is, Caroline Miss is a renown New York Times best selling author and spiritual teacher, and an expert in medical intuition.
In one of her books, Caroline Myss relates the story of a Native American man, who had suffered greatly during the Second War in Europe. Back in the United States, he couldn’t seem to get past his experience. He was possessed by his trauma. That night, reading about his story and about how his family and friends threw him into a cold lake and asked him to call back his spirit, I experienced my own illuminating awakening. Like this man, I realized that I was disconnected from my spirit.
All night long, I kept hearing an inner voice repeating: “Call back your spirit, Vera, call back your spirit.” And that was it… from that day on, I have been answering the call of my spirit and learning to trust it daily.
Since that day, my emotional, mental and spiritual well-being have become a priority in my life. My daily habits and kills help me infuse my body and mind with a new energy and vitality. I now trust myself for the inner wisdom, insight and decision-making it brings me.
I have come to understand that to heal from past negative experiences, we need courage, curiosity, connections, and wisdom. Only when we start accessing our unconscious, shifting our paradigms, and becoming aware of what we have stored as feelings, thoughts, and beliefs from our past experiences, can a true transformation begin to unfold. We need liberation from the grip of past experiences, and full immersion in the future we want to create.
For me, healing and releasing trauma, transformed my belief system, and changed my perceptions. An ongoing self-healing practice expanded my awareness; it nourished and sustained my body and mind. I experienced a sense of incredible freedom. I took a great step forward in transforming my consciousness and felt my evolutionary path suddenly speeding up.
Of course, healing is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. It requires honesty, curiosity, and an ongoing commitment to one’s wellness. A daily healing practice is a vital process on the journey to well-being and emotional health. The skills you learn in therapy will help you to cope with life with more confidence and resilience. The healing tools and coping skills I teach, and use in my practice, always get me quickly back on track when a new experience comes to unsettle my world.
Meditation helps me to quiet the incessant busyness of my mind, and empowers me to take charge of my emotions. It changed the way I perceive everyday challenges. It made me realize that only through bringing – first and foremost – compassion, and then love and care, to myself, can I then extend my compassion to others.
The more I meditate, the more I develop my intuition, and the more I expand my awareness. What is normally hidden from my conscious mind starts to come into light. As I gain in clarity, my doubt subsides. The joy returns, my body vitality improves, and I feel myself radiating happiness.
I find that meditation sparks and develops new inner projects and life takes on a different hue. I start thinking outside of the box so that even the simplest of things, like a beautiful sunset, or a flower, come to life before me.
When I counsel clients or teach meditation, I suggest that our lives are interwoven with everything else, that we are all participants of one great energy matrix, which is our Higher Power, and that every good thought we have, has the potential to change our lives. That when you discover the power of our mind and spirit, you discover how beautiful you are and how beautiful this planet is.
Everyone yearns for more healing, more inspiration, more creativity, and more peace.
I work to help people find closure in dealing with their deepest psychological and spiritual issues, and teach them new skills in a safe environment, so they can manifest this new expanded reality for themselves – with more joy and vibrancy.
This was the gift I had discovered that night reading about the lake, which I can now happily share with others.